2017 Calendars Are Here!
Blue Collar Green Water's 12-page wall calendars arrived just in the Nick (get it?) of time for Christmas gifts! You can still buy one for $20, while supplies last, by going to our Blue Collar Green Water store:
If you want to pay cash and pick up at Pier 41, email us at photoexhibit@blueandgoldfleet.com
If you ARE purchasing through our store and need us to ship it to you, email us, so we can send you a PayPal invoice for the shipping: $5.75

Your $20 goes toward supporting the
Blue Collar Green Water Photography Exhibition
Pier 1, Port of San Francisco
May 5-31 2017
Thanks to all our calendar photographers, judges, designers, Miguel Garcia of Blue & Gold Fleet, and, especially, Carolyn Horgan, outgoing president of Blue & Gold Fleet
--our staunchest supporter from the beginning!